Rio Ferdinand Now Opens Up About Some Massive Benders That He Experienced During His Entire Playing Career
Rio Ferdinand, the legend of English football admitted that he enjoyed boozing a lot as a young player he would definitely go on benders and will also drink Guinness’ 10 pints before finally hitting all the vodkas.

But he has also confessed that there was also a time when he behaved “like an insane” as downed vodka and pints for fun. And in an interaction with The Guardian, Rio, who is 40 years old – who at the Hammers came through the ranks has said: “I often went through some load when I was a young player. And “I could probably do 8, 10, ten. After that, I move on to some vodka.
“I could definitely go through a lot of loads. I could also go drinking the whole day, the just waking up and then go again when I was a young player. I often tell people who keep asking me if I have any sort of regrets about playing or not, I would not have drunk so much alcohol. When I was very young I did. And yes I was insane. But when I was at the club of West Ham, some elements of my own career were nothing more than a blur.”
When he made his move which was record breaking from the club of Leeds to the club of Manchester United in the year 2002 for an amount of $54 million, and then he had clearly started to pull back from the zenith and then largely cut out some alcohol during the season.