Rio Ferdinand is a star player for Manchester United and has gone a long way to ensure that he has put in his heart mind and soul in each of the matches so that Manchester ends up in a victorious position always.

In a recent interview he casually made a statement saying that one of the major driving forces for his excellent performance was the drop to school for his children.

Rio Ferdinand has admitted that it was quite a shame to watch the other kids look at him with angry eyes and even a little bit of disgust as well. He put his inspiration in a humorous fashion and went on to admit it’s quite an odd feeling when he has to go and drop his children to school and while walking down the pathway has to encounter so many other children who would laugh at him because of his game play in the previous match.

Apart from that one of the major inspirational reasons is the fact that he has always had this kid inside him who was ready to perform excellently always and give in his best effort. He always had an ego which would never let him walk with his head down. Rio Ferdinand follows the motto of walking with his head held high and giving it back to any individual who comes his way and speaks ill about him.

This could only be possible if he continues to perform excellently without any flaw. In the field of football, a single blunder can cause a loss to the team and then it’s extremely difficult to cope up with peer pressure as well as he resentment from the fans. The best way to avoid this is to better one’s self during practice and keep up the good game skills during the match.